Tasteful offers

Contact information

Company ID 0635284-0

Service available on weekdays 7 - 16
020 773 8300

Emails: firstname.lastname@baronsfood.fi
Phone calls via telephone exchange,
unless mentioned otherwise by the office.

Head office
Jäspilänkatu 29
04250 Kerava
(PL 2, 04261 Kerava)

CEO Petri Welling

Executive Vice President Jaakko Mulari

Contact information

Sales Service

Phone service is available to you on weekdays at 7–16
020 773 8310

Online Invoicing
Baron’s Food Oy
Company ID: 0635284-0
Online Invoicing Address: 003706352840
Moderator: Basware
Moderator ID: BAWCFI22



Marketing Coordinator Vilma Eirikkä

020 7738 368

Sales & webshop support

Sales Coordinator Iida Lehtonen

020 7738 381

Key Account Managers

Pham Phu Cuong ”Keke”
040 587 3112

Executive Vice President Jaakko Mulari
020 7738 363

Calling to our phone numbers starting with 0207 costs 8,35 cents/call +16,69 cents/min.

Correction requests for products and deliveries

Our promise is to react to emails within 48 hours of receiving them. We ask you to send your correction requests and complaints of products, deliveries etc. primarily via email:

In urgent matters our service phone number on weekdays is
020 773 8305

Instructions for correction requests:

All notifications must be made during the same day as the products have been received.

In the beginning of your contact, please mention your customer number and the number of your dispatch note. This way we are immediately able to connect the complaint to the right order. On product complaints, we will trace the right batch and point of time by the label information on the packaging.

Here is a checklist of information needed for the product complaints (please note, that label information varies depending on the product):

  • Precise description of the reason for complaint (problem with taste or texture, broken packaging, foreign body in the product, quality defect – what kind? etc.)
  • Product name/number
  • Date of packing
  • Expiration date
  • Packaging ID
  • Batch ID
  • EAN-code
  • Facility ID
  • Name of packer (initials on the label)
  • Other information, fisher ID for example
  • You may also attach a photo of the label/product to the email.

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