Fish and seafood
Cols Smked pikefillet sliced a.5kg frozen
Product code: 44515Country of origin: FinlandSelling Unit: kg -
Hyvä Apaja Rainbow trout roe 18x450g frozen
Product code: 55172Country of origin: FinlandSelling Unit: pcs -
Hyvä Apaja Smoked rainbow trout fillet double ~1,7kg ap5kg/dyno
Product code: 33803Country of origin: FinlandSelling Unit: kg -
Hyvä Apaja Smoked rainbow trout fillet boneless ~800g ap5kg/dyno
Product code: 33809Country of origin: FinlandSelling Unit: kg -
Hyvä Apaja Asian crab cake ap45g/pc 2x2,5kg frozen
Product code: 22537Country of origin: NoSelling Unit: box -
Äyriäistukku Cockle whole cooked 60-90 1kg frozen
Product code: 22829Country of origin: VietnamSelling Unit: bag